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  • Total payment
  • 1xUn-ignorable Newsletters Masterclass #2$200

All prices in USD

Join us on February 27th to learn:

Craft an un-ignorable premise

Write a high-converting sign-up page

Design a repeatable newsletter template

Pick a catchy and memorable name

Attract readers in droves

  • When is the masterclass?
    February 27th, 2025 at 9am PT / 12pm ET for 2 hours + Q&A.

    A recording will be sent to all registrants, regardless of whether they are able to attend live or not! But we highly encourage you to attend live for the full experience.
  • Will I get access to the recording/replay?
    Absolutely. Everyone enrolled will get access to the recording/replay after the event!
  • What will I learn?
    The most important part of any product is the idea and strategy—the same for a newsletter.

    The newsletters that grow the fastest are the ones with the best idea, the names, and the clearest and most valuable premise.

    In Un-ignorable Newsletters we'll help you:
    - Pick a premise
    - Decide on the right cadence
    - Choose a catchy and memorable name
    - Nail your positioning and messaging
    - Design a repeatable template to make it easier to keep up with
    - Attract readers to your newsletter
  • Is there a refund policy?
    You bet! At any time before the masterclass starts, we'll grant you a full refund.
  • Am I a good fit for Unignorable Newsletter?
    If you haven't started your newsletter yet, but want to, then this is perfect for you to build the foundation.

    If you have started your newsletter, but aren't happy with it or confident in it, we can help you redesign and structure your newsletter so that you are.
  • Who is NOT a good fit?
    This is not a good fit for someone who already has a newsletter they're happy with and are just looking for ways to grow it faster.

    Unignorable Newsletters is more for complete beginners or for those still in the early stages of creation and growth.
